Asbestos Removal
Asbestos can be found in many places around most Australian homes and businesses. Asbestos is a known carcinogen and can affect not only the respiratory system but exposure has also been attributed to other conditions and cancers throughout the body.
Asbestos has historically been used in thousands of products with the majority being found within homes, factories and businesses.
Some of the most commonly found asbestos products include:
Fibre cement sheet cladding.
Pipe lagging and insulation.
Vinyl tiles and laminate flooring.
Bituminous concrete membranes.
Cement pipes and adhesives.
Insulation, textiles and paint.
With the popularity of asbestos containing products in The Blue Mountains, asbestos contaminated materials are often found being used in unorthodox ways. Offcuts and fragments being carelessly tossed in ceiling cavities or under homes. Fibrous asbestos sheeting utilised as concrete form work, lining in garden beds and even the occasional kids cubby house. Read more about the history of asbestos in The Blue Mountains here.
Asbestos removal works generally fall into two categories;
Non Friable (Class B works) and Friable (Class A works) - The material being removed is the same, but the precautions, safety measures and techniques change in accordance with the classification.
Class A - Friable Asbestos Works:
Friable literally means ‘easily crumbled’ - The classification of friable asbestos is given to materials following events such as fire or storm destruction which damage asbestos cement products to a point that extra precautions need to be applied. Some forms of lagging, loose fill insulation and floor tiles are automatically pre-classified as friable given their structure and lack of cement binding agent.
Friable works require the engagement of an independent hygienist to perform air-monitoring for the duration of the works and laboratory swab analysis prior to the works area being declared safe for reuse.
Class B - Non Friable Asbestos Works:
Is the most common form of asbestos removal and includes the stripping of cladding from structures, the remediation of contaminated soils and removal of non adhered vinyl flooring.
Non friable works require a 5 day notification period to surrounding homes and businesses within a 25 meter radius with a lodgement to SafeWork NSW via the online notification system by a licensed asbestos removalist.
All works greater than 10 square meters or a weight total of more than 100kgs require both EPA WasteLocate tracking and an independent clearance inspection to be performed.
Einzig Industrial is licensed, insured, certified and experienced in all aspects of asbestos removal both friable and non friable. We service the entire Blue Mountains area including:
Emu Heights, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Leonay, Emu Plains, Blackheath, Blaxland, Bullaburra, Faulconbridge, Glenbrook, Hawkesbury Heights, Hazelbrook, Katoomba, Lapstone, Lawson, Leura, Linden, Lithgow, Medlow Bath, Mount Irvine, Mount Riverview, Mount Victoria, Mount Wilson, Springwood, Sun Valley, Valley Heights, Warrimoo, Wentworth Falls, Winmalee, Woodford, Yellow Rock & Penrith.