Asbestos Removal, Remediation & Abatement
Most Australian homes and businesses contain asbestos, the removal of bonded sheets of asbestos like those found in bathrooms, eaves and even entire ‘fibro homes’ also known as Class B asbestos removal is quick and relatively inexpensive. Class A or Friable asbestos occurs either naturally, from loose fill insulation or as a result of damaged sheeting from fire or flooding. Sometimes asbestos cannot be removed from a structure or site for various reasons and therefor abatement and control plans are the only option.
Lead & Other Heavy Metal Contamination
Various heavy metals have been historically used throughout building and construction with many still in use today. Lead paint, chromium arsenate in treated timber, mercury in common lighting and polychlorinated biphenyls in a range of products. Heavy metals accumulate within the body over time and cause a wide array of health and cognitive disorders .
Biological & Infectious Waste
Malfunctioning or no longer used septic tanks, leachate from surrounding processing industries, fluids and solids from injuries and crime. If not professionally treated or removed, biological hazards can present a great danger to those exposed.
Mould, Mildew & Fungal Contamination
The World Health Organisation concedes that exposure to mould can cause an increased risk of experiencing respiratory symptoms, infections, allergic rhinitis and asthma. Inhaling or touching mould spores can also cause allergic reactions such as sneezing, a runny nose, red eyes and skin rashes. Mould is also cited as a cause of asthma attacks in many.
Illicit drug use & Manufacture Contamination
Products used in the manufacture of methamphetamine and other drugs can be toxic, flammable, explosive or ignitable. Chemical exposure is possible depending on properties of the chemicals used, their quantity and concentration. The affects of these chemicals can remain present for years within soft furnishings like carpet and plaster sheeting.
Acid Sulphates, Naturally Occurring Asbestos & Radioactivity
Naturally occurring and introduced contaminants are present in soils throughout a range of geological substrates. Past development, surrounding industry and natural disasters can have a major impact on the habitable viability or commercial use of a piece of real estate.